Putting our Howes in order - August 2019

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Putting our Howes in order - August 2019

Post by mardler »

Hello everyone. Happy new month! Our elves have been busy again. We added 1,000 people during August and finished with 156,256 people in our database. And, my sideboard has a little silverware on it from my yachting adventures this month at Wroxham, Horning, Breydon Water, Oulton and Barton on the Norfolk Broads! And I'm off again, to Cantley, in a few hours!

RootsTech London
First up, many thanks to those who entered our competition. The winner was Richard Liddell, who is one of our larger contributors, having shared his research with us on several occasions. As it happens, he had already purchased his ticket for RootsTech and was able to obtain a refund from the organizers. It will be good to see him again.

The main RootsTech speakers list is now final, featuring four Keynote speakers: Dan Snow, Steve Rockwood, Nick Barrett and Donny Osmond. Most of these folks need little introduction. However, you may not know Steve; he was featured in this newsletter when I interviewed him at RootsTech in Salt Lake City in March. If you haven't seen him before, check out this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XOfJODqy85g.

In addition to the Keynotes, there are four sessions per day on individual topics. You can see the full list here: https://www.rootstech.org/schedule. There are some real gems to be had in that list, though I will not point to any individuals as what interests me will not necessarily interest you!
Inevitably, with such a long list there will be minor changes but the list is close to final.

If you are interested in going, tickets are still available at a discount. And, try inputting FRIEND in the discount code box for an additional 10% off.

Unusual occupations
A news item popped up during the month (https://www.independent.ie/regionals/ne ... 97151.html) about the Irish Professional Golfers' Association championship, being held on a golf course designed by Jeff Howes. It reminded me that we maintain a list of websites owned or run by people with our name(s). See: https://howesfamilies.com/histories/feature5.php for the list, on which Jeff already features. I look at that list as an indication of the diversity in the world today whereby people can earn a living in a huge variety of roles.

Do you know of a website that we could add to our list? We seem a little light on people named House, for instance. . . .

Paul Griswold Howes
If you read his obituary in the New York Times, you will learn about this extraordinary man and his devotion to educating the public. His father and grandfather were both bankers in New York City and I presume he didn't need to work too hard for a living. He spent most of his life at the Bruce Museum in Greenwich, Connecticut and recorded several films. The museum has just received a grant to restore four of those films, as described in this article which appeared in this month: https://www.greenwichtime.com/news/arti ... 368235.php. I lived in Connecticut for five years and frequently drove past Greenwich. Unfortunately, I wasn't interested in genealogy then! Has anyone among us been to the Bruce Museum and would like to describe it for us?

Puzzle Corner
This one is either very knotty, or I am missing something really obvious! It revolves around George Howes of Bristol, England, whose record you can see here: https://howesfamilies.com/getperson.php ... ee=Onename. We found his family in the 1871 census, but very little more. We could only find a birth record for one child, George Henry, and sent for the latter's birth certificate, from which we learned his mother's maiden name, Emma Curtis. We can track George Henry's marriage and two subsequent children, though even then we don't have all census records for him. Intriguingly, both George and Emma were furriers, but we can't see an obvious connection to the large Howes furrier family in Bristol.

So, here are a few questions:
- can you find the marriage of George and Emma?
- can you find birth records for their other children?
- can you find the family in other census records?
- is there anything else you can add?

Another centenarian
While I was at Oulton Broad this month, a yachting friend drew my attention to a full-page article in the Eastern Daily Press, featuring Ena Howes, who lives just down the road in Lowestoft. See: https://www.edp24.co.uk/news/world-war- ... -1-6222892.
Ena has featured in our pages before, when she was given the Légion d'Honneur by the French government in recognition of her wartime service in France; she ran the first telephone exchange for the Allies after the Normandy invasions, among other things. Ena is now able to see her own record on our website! Congratulations, ma'am, and thank you for your service.

"That's all, folks!" Thanks for your continued support
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